All Your Adenylyl cyclase-Competitors Does Not Want You To Study This Strategy

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Версия от 13:30, 17 февраля 2017; Lisahockey7 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «The main effect of time and the group [ GS-7340 purchase] by time interaction term produced …»)
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The main effect of time and the group GS-7340 purchase by time interaction term produced by the ANOVA were explored using planned simple linear contrasts. Simple linear contrasts compared the preexercise value to subsequent time intervals. Figure 2 Mean arterial blood pressure (BP, panel A), uterine artery blood flow (UtBF, panel B), and uterine artery conductance (UtC, panel C) for the nonpregnant (N?=?8) and pregnant (N?=?12) rats at preexercise (2?min average), ... A two-way ANOVA utilizing a general linear model was performed to compare the relative (%) UtC and UtBF responses to exercise or recovery between groups (nonpregnant, pregnant) with repeated measures on the main effect Adenylyl cyclase of time. The group by time interaction term for the exercise ANOVA (5 levels) was explored using planned simple linear contrasts. Simple linear contrasts compared the first minute of exercise to subsequent time intervals. Contrast analyses were unnecessary for the recovery ANOVA as the main effect of time had only two levels. In Figure?Figure3,3, the first minute of exercise or recovery is plotted in consecutive 10?s intervals to illustrate the transitional responses. In the statistical analyses, the data for the consecutive 5?min of exercise and 2?min of recovery were represented by 60?s averages for each minute. Figure 3 Percent change in UtBF (A) and percent change in UtC (B) from the preexercise average for the nonpregnant (N?=?8) and pregnant (N?=?12) groups during 5?min of exercise at 7?m/min 6% grade, and during recovery ... BIBF 1120 in vitro Values without a time component were compared using paired or unpaired Student's t-test, as appropriate. Statistical significance was set at P?