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Версия от 20:17, 18 февраля 2017; Lisahockey7 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Sa??ro?lu & They would. Duman (Sa??ro?lu and also Duman 2007), Silene dumanii Kandemir, Gary. Ecevit Gen? & ?. Gen? (Kandemir and also Gen? 09), Jurinea tortumens…»)
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Sa??ro?lu & They would. Duman (Sa??ro?lu and also Duman 2007), Silene dumanii Kandemir, Gary. Ecevit Gen? & ?. Gen? (Kandemir and also Gen? 09), Jurinea tortumensis The. Duran & N. Dogan (Dogan et al. This year), Campanula hacerae A. ?l?im (?l?im avec al. This year), Silene gevasica Hamzao?lu (Hamzao?lu avec ing. Next year), Allium shirnakiense L. Beh?et & R��stemo?lu (Beh?et as well as R��stemo?lu Next year), Rhabdosciadium urusakii At the. Akal?n (Akal?n and also Akpulat 2012), Onosma atila-ocakii E Koyuncu & Yaylac? (Koyuncu avec 's. 2013) as well as Crocus yakarianus Y?ld?r?m & A. Erol (Y?ld?r?m along with Erol The year 2013). Extra specimens examined. Psephellus Resminostat pyrrhoblepharus: Turkey, B7 Elaz??: Harput, round the Anguzu Baba T��rbesi, 1560 mirielle., 14 Jun 2007, Any. Duran 7464, B. Dogan & M. ?zt��rk (KNYA!); A6 Amasya: Akda?, over Zefe k?y, 1700 m., Tobey 1207 (E, photo!); B9 Bitlis: Kambos Nrrr., above H��rm��z, 1600 meters., Thirty-one Jun 1954, Davis 23403 (E, picture!). Psephellus bornmuelleri: Poultry, C5 Konya: in between Ere?li-Ni?de, 1400 meters, 1904, T.Siehe (E, photo!); B3 Eskisehir: c. 20 a long way via Polatli in order to Sivrihisar, 900 michael, 14 Jun 1965, chalky areas, Coode & Johnson 2252 (At the, photo!); Ankara: Polatl?, Ac?k?r vicinity, 840�C860 michael, Two Jun 1997, gypsum areas, Ayta? 6893 & Adig��zel (GAZI!); Ankara: Polatl?, Ac?k?r location, 840�C860 mirielle, 25 Jun '93, Duman 4812 & Ayta? (GAZI!); Ankara: Polatl?, Ac?k?r area, 840�C860 michael, Several Jun 1991, Ayta? 3822 & Duman (GAZI!); Before Ankara, involving ?erefliko?hisar-Ankara, Ten km, saline areas, 900�C950 mirielle, A few Jun 2000, Ayta? 8374 & M.Ekici (GAZI!). Psephellus gilanica: Iran, Tehran: prope Shekerabad, 2200 mirielle, Bornm��ller 7266 (T, photograph!). Notice: Davis��s power grid method was utilized for the coordinates. Second selleck chemicals Materials XML Treatment for Psephellus vanensis : Click the link to see.(43K, xml) Records Quotation Dogan N, Beh?et M, Duran A, Avlamaz N (2015) Psephellus vanensis (Asteraceae), a fresh varieties via far east Poultry. PhytoKeys Forty-eight: 11�C19. doi: 15.3897/phytokeys.Forty-eight.8870""Solanum this website is probably the the majority of species-rich vascular place genera within the warm Andes (J?rgensen et 's. 2011), where many brand-new types remain explained (electronic.gary., Anderson et 's. 2006; Stern and Bohs This year; Knapp 2010a,w; Farrugia and also Bohs 2010; Tepe et ing. Next year; S?rkinen et aussi . 2013a; S?rkinen et 's. 2015). Take a look at explain two new Solanum types via Bolivia that belongs on the Morelloid clade, one among significant clades associated with non-spiny solanums (Weese and also Bohs 2007; S?rkinen et aussi ing. 2013b). The particular Morelloid clade is often a gang of los angeles. 75 varieties, many of which are native to the island for the tropical Andes (Bohs 2006; S?rkinen ainsi que al. in assessment). Your clade contains 5 key teams (typically identified because portions Solanum, Campanulisolanum Nasty, Parasolanum Any.Child, Chamasarachidium Nasty, along with Episarcophyllum Nasty), which are in the process of re-circumscription according to molecular benefits (S?rkinen et aussi al.