The New UNC2881 Is Double The Enjoyable

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Версия от 21:46, 21 февраля 2017; Sampanoffice1 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «The cost of the nutritious diets are thus comparable to actual expenditure; however, [ selleck scree…»)
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The cost of the nutritious diets are thus comparable to actual expenditure; however, selleck screening library absolute costs calculated from the MD and MP models should not be over interpreted, because the validation procedure shown in Fig. 1 indicates an underestimation. The results of this study can be compared to those of Monsivais et al. (21), which showed that prices of foods with a high nutrient density increased faster than those of foods with lower nutrient density between 2004 and 2008 in the United States. It can also be compared to the results of Harrison et al. (23), which showed that the price of a predefined basket of commonly consumed foods containing a high percentage of recommended nutrient intake increased faster than the CPI for food in Australia between 1998 and 2006. These results are not contradictory, because they investigate different aspects of the phenomenon owing to methodological differences. This difference is more clearly seen in terms of what assumptions they make on how consumers choose foods to attain UNC2881 a nutritious diet. Monsivais et al. (21) showed that a consumer choosing a representative sample �C e.g. by choosing at random �C of all available nutrient-dense foods would experience a higher price increase than consumers choosing a representative sample among nutrient-poor foods. This price increase could act as an incitement for such a consumer to switch from nutrient-dense to nutrient-poor foods. Assuming that the predefined bundle is representative of nutrient-rich and culturally acceptable diets, Harrison et al. (23) showed that a consumer keeping to the same consumption pattern see more would experience a higher cost increase if this bundle adhered to recommendations than if it simply followed average consumption. The present study shows that the price increase experienced by a rational consumer able to change consumption in order to keep to recommendations and minimize either food expenditures (MP model) or deviation from the average intake of the population (MD model) is not faster than that of food in general. The three methodologies are not expected to give similar results. For instance, the fact that higher nutrient density foods on average increase more in price than low nutrient density foods does not have to influence the cost and choice of the thrifty consumer if there are still enough culturally acceptable and nutritious foods that are exceptions to the general rule. This can be seen from the data in the present study. Despite the significant increase in the price of fish, the shadow price for obtaining the recommended energy percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids remained low (