Beware Of Reelin Challenges Plus Best Ways To Identify Every One Of Them

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Версия от 11:09, 24 февраля 2017; Stem1buffer (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Recurrence-free and overall survival rates were significantly lower in patients with persistently elevated levels of hsAFP-L3 before and after hepatectomy (group …»)
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Recurrence-free and overall survival rates were significantly lower in patients with persistently elevated levels of hsAFP-L3 before and after hepatectomy (group C) than patients with normal levels of hsAFP-L3 before and after hepatectomy (group A). Recurrence-free survival rate was significantly PLX-4720 ic50 lower in patients with persistently elevated levels of hsAFP-L3 before and after hepatectomy (group C) than patients whose pretreatment tumor marker levels elevated but normalized after hepatectomy (group B). In contrast, both recurrence-free and overall survival rates of patients with normal hsAFP-L3 levels before hepatectomy but elevated levels after hepatectomy (group D) was significantly lower than those of patients with normal Entinostat molecular weight postoperative levels of hsAFP-L3 regardless of pretreatment levels (groups A and B), and the rate was similar to that of patients with persistent elevations of hsAFP-L3 before and after hepatectomy (group C). Figure 3 Recurrence-free survival rates of patients stratified based on the treatment response of tumor markers after hepatectomy. A: Tumor marker was normal before and after hepatectomy. B: Tumor marker was elevated before hepatectomy but normalized after hepatectomy. ... Figure 4 Overall survival rates of patients stratified based on the treatment response of tumor markers after hepatectomy. A: Tumor marker was normal before and after hepatectomy. B: Tumor marker was elevated before hepatectomy but normalized after hepatectomy. ... HCC characteristics based on the elevations of conventional and highly sensitive AFP-L3 after hepatectomy Table ?Table22 lists the characteristics of HCC tumors according to elevations of conventional and hsAFP-L3 after hepatectomy. The size of HCC was significantly greater in patients with elevations in cAFP-L3 than in patients without the elevation (P = 0.0143). The percentages of moderately or poorly differentiated HCC and HCC with infiltrative growth Reelin was significantly higher in patients with elevations in cAFP-L3 than in patients without the elevation (P = 0.0454 and P = 0.0203, respectively). In contrast, no differences were found in the characteristics of HCC between patients with and without postoperative elevations of hsAFP-L3. Although postoperative total AFP was elevated (��20 ng/mL) in 10 of 13 patients (76.9%) in whom cAFP-L3 was elevated postoperatively, total AFP was elevated in only 22 of 98 patients (22.4%) in whom postoperative elevations of hsAFP-L3 were observed. Especially, the total AFP concentration after hepatectomy was within normal range (