The Modern Day Guidelines For CYTH4

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Версия от 15:05, 24 февраля 2017; Gander56orange (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «185] 14 Leaves basal (sprouting form the nodes of a stolon) and simple or cauline and 1?3-pinnately compound (Cicuta maculata; this plant is extremely poisonous a…»)
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185] 14 Leaves basal (sprouting form the nodes of a stolon) and simple or cauline and 1?3-pinnately compound (Cicuta maculata; this plant is extremely poisonous and care should be taken when handling plant parts); inflorescence a single or compound umbel; fruit a schizocarp Apiaceae �C Leaves various, if basal then not sprouting from nodes of a stolon MK-1775 chemical structure and if cauline then not compound; inflorescence not umbellate; fruits various but not a schizocarp 15 15 Cauline leaves alternate 16 �C Cauline leaves opposite 18 16 Perianth differentiated into sepals and petals; corolla zygomorphic, bluish-purple and white Plantaginaceae [Nuttallanthus canadensis Fig. 183] �C Perianth undifferentiated and comprised of green, pinkish, or red tepals, or comprised solely of sepals (petals lacking) 17 17 Mature stems to 8 dm tall, relatively dainty (herb-like), if submersed then not CYTH4 spongy and thickened, ocrea present; leaves primarily basal, those along stem stem much reduced and distant from one another, bases mostly hastate (sometimes cuneate due to relatively frequent wave disturbance); inflorescence composed of terminal paniculate racemes; sepals 6; fruit a single achene kept inside the inner calyces Polygonaceae [Rumex hastatulus Fig. 186] �C Mature stems to 10 dm tall, robust (shrub-like), submersed stems becoming very spongy and enlarged, apparently ��splitting�� in place, ocrea absent; leaves evenly distributed on the stem, not reduced and distant on the stem; inflorescence composed of a solitary flower in the leaf axils; sepals 4; fruit a capsule Onagraceae [Ludwigia sphaerocarpa Fig. 181] 18 Stems dichotomously branched, ��wiry�� in overall appearance; cauline leaves �� 2 mm long, subulate, bases pectinately-fringed Caryophyllaceae [Stipulicida setacea Fig. 131] �C Stems not dichotomously branched, not ��wiry�� in overall appearance; cauline leaves > selleck products 2 mm long, not subulate, bases not pectinately-fringed 19 19 Stems 4-angled; flowers in dense axillary clusters; corolla