Rich Men Looking For Love - How to Make a Rich Man Fall in Love With You

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Версия от 12:51, 3 марта 2017; Singperch64 (обсуждение | вклад) (Rich Men Looking For Love - How to Make a Rich Man Fall in Love With You)
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Money cannot buy happiness, but I would rather cry in a Ferrari. If you agree that rich men and poor ones are basically the exact same except for the quantity of money they have, then it follows that you're better off dating a rich guy than a poor one.

Getting said that, getting a rich man to fall for you does need some work. Competition is stiff and there is no shortage of beautiful girls throwing themselves at the nearest rich guy in the hopes of securing a lifetime of financial security. Some will succeed, most will not, so make sure you do every thing correct.

1 - Your Appears It begins with your appears, on the first step men (rich or otherwise) will determine if they are interested in you based on your looks. You cannot look too conservative and neither as well provocative. Dress attractive but classy. For instance you can have a miniskirt to show off your legs or a handsome cleavage but not each at the same time, it would make you look like a one night stand and you will attract wrong kind of attention.

2 - Attitude Men hate drama and if you have a tendency to be bitchy and get a heart attack if he forgot to lower the toilette seat then tune it down. Also they hate it when you gossip a friend - when you bad mouth somebody in front of a man first thing that goes in his thoughts is whether or not you talk like that about him behind his back. This doesn't imply you need to suck up to him all the time and agree with every thing he says, it means you require to have some integrity of your personal.

3 - Money The subject of money will come up sooner or later, the reality that he is rich and you are not. Handle with care, he must not even suspect that you are after his money. If he buys you an expensive present early in the relationship treat it with suspicion, or even half-jokingly accuse him of trying to "buy" you. You can be a small impressed with his house, car etc but do not be too swayed by money alone. Ask him questions like what else he has going for him other than being rich - it will get him to attempt and evaluate himself more equally with you and others and perhaps bring out the qualities he likes in you.

Exactly where to Find a Rich Man

Best place to find rich men looking for love or marriage is on specialized dating websites for rich men. Post a lot of photos of you looking gorgeous and classy, maybe one or two of you on a charity event with appropriate comments so they see you are a kind and generous person. Make sure you have a webcam and if possible do a video chat before you go out on a date so that you each know what the other person looks like.

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