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Версия от 16:50, 3 марта 2017; Okrashame24 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «For Au@Ag-NRs synthesized from 300 ��M AgNO3 (all subsequent experiments were performed at this condition unless indicated), detection of an increased Ag 3d s…»)
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For Au@Ag-NRs synthesized from 300 ��M AgNO3 (all subsequent experiments were performed at this condition unless indicated), detection of an increased Ag 3d signal was observed in XPS spectra of Au@Ag-NRs compared to PD-NRs (Figure S6a,b). Ellipsometry and compositional depth profiling by XPS of flat surfaces coated with PD and Ag under identical conditions gave evidence of a 3.36 nm thick coating containing both silver and PD (Figure S6c). The photothermal properties of the NR suspensions were characterized upon irradiation with a visible-NIR light source, producing observable bulk heating of NR suspensions compared to water controls FARP1 (Figure 3a). The temperature of a PEG-stabilized PD-NR (PEG-NR, Figure S1) suspension increased from 20.6 ��C to 24.2 ��C within the first minute of illumination and rose to 41.9 ��C within 5 min before reaching a steady state condition of 44 ��C after 8 min of illumination. Addition of a silver shell (PEG-Au@Ag-NRs) resulted in a slightly lower steady state temperature of 40 ��C upon irradiation. In a control experiment, the temperature of NR-free water irradiated in an identical manner did not rise significantly above 24 ��C. Silver release from Au@Ag-NRs was characterized upon click here irradiation using ICP-MS (Figure 3b). A 115% increase in silver concentration in solution was detected after light irradiation compared to non-irradiated controls (p www.selleckchem.com/products/Adriamycin.html no LSPR shift was detected in Ab-Au@Ag-NRs over 24 h. Incubation of either Ab-NRs or Ab-Au@Ag-NRs with E. coli and S. epidermidis cells resulted in specific binding of NRs to bacterial cells as confirmed by TEM and optical coherence tomography (OCT). TEM imaging of bacterial cells exposed to Au@Ag-NRs revealed the presence of cell-bound Au@Ag-NRs only when they were functionalized with the antibody specific to gram-negative or gram-positive cells, whereas non-specific antibody-functionalized and antibody-free control NRs were not found to be associated in large numbers with bacterial cells (Figure 4). Similar results were obtained with Ab-NRs (Figure S8). OCT images of E. coli and S.