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Версия от 14:35, 8 марта 2017; Ounce6tea (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «School grade has a nearly linear correspondence with age among Korean adolescents. Students attending the first grade in middle school are approximately 13?years …»)
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School grade has a nearly linear correspondence with age among Korean adolescents. Students attending the first grade in middle school are approximately 13?years old, and age increases by one year per grade. Living arrangements were classified as living with family, relatives, or in a boarding facility, dormitory, or care facility. The Family Affluence Scale (FAS) (Currie et?al., 2008) was used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. This scale consists of four items: (i) Does your family own cars? (0, 1, 2, or Dabigatran more); (ii) Do you have your own bedroom? (no, yes); (iii) How many times did you travel on vacation with your family during the past year? (0, 1, 2, 3 or more); and (iv) How many computers does your family own? (0, 1, 2, 3, or more). The composite FAS score was calculated Proteasome inhibitor by summing the responses to these four items, and the respondents were grouped into low (0�C2), middle (3�C5), and high (6�C9) socioeconomic status groups. Areas of residence were classified as towns or small-, medium-, or large-sized cities. Subjective school achievement was measured by the following question: During the past year, how was your school achievement? The response options were ��low,�� ��middle��, or ��high. All analyses regarding the association between overuse of the internet and related variables were performed separately for each sex. All reported cell counts (n) in the analysis were derived from unweighted data, while prevalences, odds ratios (OR), and 95% confidence intervals were calculated by weighted analyses with consideration of response rates, clustering and sampling rates. To identify the associations between internet overuse and general characteristics, this website the Rao�CScott ��2-test �C a design-adjusted version of the Pearson ��2-test �C was conducted using cross-tabulation. To assess the association between internet overuse and mental health variables, multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. The threshold for statistical significance was set at 0.05, and analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Among the study population (n?=?73,238), the prevalence rates of PIA and IA were 14.8% and 3%, respectively. The rates of PIA and IA were both significantly higher in boys than in girls; 23% of boys and 16.7% of the girls reported using the internet more than 4?h per day during weekends. Girls were significantly more likely than boys to report suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, depressive mood, severe subjective stress, and hardly or never feeling happy (P?