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Версия от 18:09, 8 марта 2017; Mall1cirrus (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Although these trends did not reach statistical significance these observations seem to be in agreement with the inverse correlation between cocaine-induced CPP p…»)
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Although these trends did not reach statistical significance these observations seem to be in agreement with the inverse correlation between cocaine-induced CPP preference and cFos in different regions of the prefrontal lobe, including the orbitofrontal cortex, found by Zombeck et?al. (2008) as well as with the proposed inhibitory role of the infralimbic cortex in drug-seeking behaviours (Peters, LaLumiere & Kalivas 2008). Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the last cocaine injection took place 48 hours before the preference test. Hence, cFos expression showed by the cocaine-treated groups could be induced by re-activation of memories about cocaine effects other than those contingently connected to preference. Also, it could be RVX-208 related to withdrawal symptoms after cessation of cocaine regimen. Supporting the present findings, previous evidence suggests that the vermis cerebellum might be a key structure for rewarding BMS 777607 and aversive memory. Indeed, in a previous study, we observed higher cFos expression in the granule cell layer of female rats allowed to pace copulate (rewarding condition) as compared to females that copulated in non-paced conditions (non-rewarding) or females in pacing chambers with no male to copulate with (Paredes-Ramos et?al. 2011). Moreover, consolidation and expression of emotional memories, which are re-activated in an automatic or implicit mode, seem to be controlled by a circuit that includes the vermis cerebellum (Bonson et?al. 2002; Sacchetti et?al. 2002, 2004; Anderson et?al. 2006). Accordingly, vermal connectivity situates the cerebellum within the circuitry responsible for acquiring, maintaining and expressing drug-induced conditioned memories (Snider et?al. 1976; Heath et?al. 1978; Ikai et?al. 1992; Schweighofer et?al. 2004; Rossi et?al. 2008; Bostan et?al. 2010; Zhu et?al. 2011; Bernard et?al. 2012). The involvement of the cerebellum in emotional behaviour has raised the question of whether this structure is also a site Neratinib manufacturer for storage of plasticity related to learning and memory of emotional processes (Strata, Scelfo & Sacchetti 2011). It is very likely that the pattern of cFos expression observed in the vermis indicates the activation of local neuroplasticity mechanisms required for consolidation and automaticity. Studies on fear memory have supported this conclusion as plasticity changes described within the vermal cerebellar cortex domains strictly correlated with associative processes, but they were absent in unpaired groups (Sacchetti et?al. 2005; Zhu et?al. 2006; Zhu et?al. 2007).