Normally You Do Not Need To Be BI 2536 Dependent To Get Stung

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Версия от 13:54, 11 марта 2017; Rate7noise (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «As the intervention focused on exercise behavior and not PA in general, we generated the variable ��intended physical activity level�� (iPAL). We classifi…»)
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As the intervention focused on exercise behavior and not PA in general, we generated the variable ��intended physical activity level�� (iPAL). We classified the activities according to Caspersen et al. (1985) as exercise is ��physical activity that BI 2536 mouse is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive in the sense that improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is an objective�� (p.128). iPAL therefore included all items of the domain leisure-time activities except gardening and odd work if participants reported an at least moderate intensity. These six items were: brisk (Nordic-) walking, bicycling, gymnastic or resistance training and three open-ended items called ��sport activities.�� The open-ended responses were excluded from analysis if the indicated activity was below a metabolic equivalent of 4 according to the Ainsworth compendium (Ainsworth et al., 2011). Data analysis Change scores of self-efficacy and PA enjoyment where calculated by subtracting the respective T2 scores from the T1 scores (T2 minus T1). Descriptive statistics and bivariate Pearson correlations were conducted. Drop-out analyses were calculated to compare completers versus non-completers of the intervention using t-tests for metric and Chi-squared tests for nominal variables. The first research question was analyzed using linear regression models and relative weight analysis. Relative weight analysis estimates the relative importance of correlated determinants in a regression equation by using a new set of uncorrelated determinants that are maximally related to the original set of correlated determinants (Tonidandel et al., 2009). A relative Cyclopamine cell line weight is the amount of variance explained by a single determinant; all relative weights add up to 100%. For the second research questions, analyses of variances (ANOVAs) for repeated BML-190 measures [between subject factor: type of intervention (exercise/stress); within subject factor: time (T1/T2/T3)] were computed with self-efficacy and PA enjoyment as dependent variables. Additional analyses were calculated using regression analysis explaining the dependent variable ��T1-T2PA enjoyment. Listwise deletion was used if necessary in all analyses, as there were only less than 2% of data missing. Analyses were carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics 22 IBM corp. NY, USA, and employed a significance level of p