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Версия от 12:24, 14 марта 2017; Smilecoffee2 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «008; verbatimLongitude: -85.479; verbatimCoordinateSystem: Decimal; decimalLatitude: 12.008; decimalLongitude: -85.479; Identification: identifiedBy: AJ Fleming; …»)
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008; verbatimLongitude: -85.479; verbatimCoordinateSystem: Decimal; decimalLatitude: 12.008; decimalLongitude: -85.479; Identification: identifiedBy: AJ Fleming; dateIdentified: 2014; Celebration: samplingProtocol: reared from caterpillar of Talides sergestus (Hesperiidae); verbatimEventDate: 05-Sep-2002; Document Degree: vocabulary: en; institutionCode: CNC; collectionCode: Pests; basisOfRecord: Pinned Example of beauty Variety standing: Paratype. Incident: occurrenceDetails: http://janzen.sas.upenn.edu; catalogNumber: DHJPAR0022906; recordedBy: Deborah.. Janzen & W. Hallwachs; individualID: DHJPAR0022906; individualCount: 1; lifeStage: grownup; arrangements: pinned; otherCatalogNumbers: 02-SRNP-27838; Taxon: scientificName: Spathidexia high throughput screening marioburgosi; phylum: Arthropoda; type: Insecta; order: Diptera; loved ones: Tachinidae; genus: Spathidexia; specificEpithet: marioburgosi; selleck products scientificNameAuthorship: Fleming & Wood, 2015; Area: continent: Guatemala; land: Costa Rica; countryCode: CR; stateProvince: Guanacaste; local: Region delaware Conservacion Guanacaste; surrounding area: Market Andel Oro; verbatimLocality: Camino Mangos; verbatimElevation: 480; verbatimLatitude: Eleven.008; verbatimLongitude: -85.479; verbatimCoordinateSystem: Decimal; decimalLatitude: Eleven.008; decimalLongitude: -85.479; Detection: identifiedBy: AJ Fleming; dateIdentified: 2014; Event: samplingProtocol: raised coming from caterpillar regarding Talides sinois (Hesperiidae); verbatimEventDate: 02-Sep-2002; Report Amount: vocabulary: en; institutionCode: CNC; collectionCode: Pesky insects; basisOfRecord: Pinned Example of beauty Sort reputation: Paratype. Event: occurrenceDetails: http://janzen.sas.upenn.edu; catalogNumber: DHJPAR0022907; recordedBy: Transferase N.. Janzen & W. Hallwachs; individualID: DHJPAR0022907; individualCount: One; lifeStage: mature; formulations: pinned; otherCatalogNumbers: 03-SRNP-34815; Taxon: scientificName: Spathidexia marioburgosi; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; buy: Diptera; family: Tachinidae; genus: Spathidexia; specificEpithet: marioburgosi; scientificNameAuthorship: Fleming & Wood, 2015; Area: region: Mexico; nation: Panama and nicaragua ,; countryCode: Customer care; stateProvince: Alajuela; region: Location delaware Conservacion Guanacaste; vicinity: Industry San Cristobal; verbatimLocality: Sendero Corredor; verbatimElevation: 620; verbatimLatitude: Ten.879; verbatimLongitude: -85.Twenty; verbatimCoordinateSystem: Decimal; decimalLatitude: 10.