"Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945" — различия между версиями

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== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]

Текущая версия на 14:25, 3 апреля 2016

Автор проекта

Кандаков Николай Викторович

Предмет, возраст учащихся

11 класс история

Краткая аннотация проекта

Проект представляет собой углублённое изучение темы истории Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945года. Акцент работы сделан на освещение войны потомками тех,кто в далекие сороковые сражался и погибал в боях за свою Родину;характеризует крайне тяжелый период Великой Отечественной войны. Продуктом работы по проекту планируется презентация по данным темам проекта.

Вопросы, направляющие проект

Основополагающий вопрос

Для чего человеку память?

Проблемные вопросы

Каково было вооружение Красной Армии в 1940-1942 гг?

Каков был быт советского солдата?

Учебные вопросы

Какие эпизоды Великой Отечественной войны 1941- 1945года вызвали массовую гибель людей?

Имеют ли право павшие в борьбе с врагом на память о себе?

План проведения проекта

Подготовительный этап: Определить цели и задачи проекта. Оформление помещения.

Начало проекта Вводная беседа. Подготовить темы презентаций. Развитие проекта Поиск информации. Проведение исследования.

Заключительный этап проекта Представление презентаций.

Визитная карточка проекта

Визитная карточка проекта

Публикация учителя


Презентация учителя для выявления представлений и интересов учащихся


Пример продукта проектной деятельности учащихся


Материалы по формирующему и итоговому оцениванию

Материалы по сопровождению и поддержке проектной деятельности

  1. Аппаратное обеспечение
    • Лазерный диск, компьютер(-ы), цифровая камера, проекционная система, сканер.
  2. Программное обеспечение
    • Программы обработки изображений, программы разработки , текстовые редакторы, мультимедийные системы, другие справочники на CD-ROM
  3. Интернет-ресурсы

Другие материалы

Дидактические материалы

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]