" Сказка глазами художников" — различия между версиями

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[[Категория:Intel "Обучение для будущего"]]
[[Категория:Intel "Обучение для будущего"]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]

Текущая версия на 21:57, 21 марта 2016

Автор проекта

Коростылева Екатерина Сергеевна

Предмет, возраст учащихся

Изобразительное искусство, возраст учащихся от 7 до 12 лет

Краткая аннотация проекта

Читая сказки , наши дети и не подозревают, какие знаменитые художники написали красочные иллюстрации к ним.Наша задача с учащимися,познакомиться с художниками и сказками, для которых они творили.

Вопросы, направляющие проект

Основополагающий вопрос

Знают ли наши дети художников, написавших иллюстрации к русским народным сказкам и сказкам которые читают?

Проблемные вопросы

Знают ли и читают ли дети вообще сказки?

Учебные вопросы

Знают ли учащиеся знаменитых художников?

План проведения проекта

  • Вступление "Ох, уж эти сказки..."
  • Художники об чудесах.
  • Вопросы, на которые мы будем искать ответы.
  • Что лежит в основе любой сказки и былины?
  • Работы и автопортреты художников.
  • Итог проекта. Что дети усвоили в ходе занятия?
  • Нарисуем свою сказку!

Визитная карточка проекта

Визитная карточка

Публикация учителя


Презентация учителя для выявления представлений и интересов учащихся

Презентация учителя

Пример продукта проектной деятельности учащихся

Пример продукта проектной деятельности учащихся

Материалы по формирующему и итоговому оцениванию


private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]