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Laptop Battery

Over the years there have been many technologies related to notebooks, and laptop batteries are not any different. You'll find three distinct notebook battery types currently available. Knowing the one of them can assist you choose what to get when it's time for a purchase.

HP Laptop Battery - In this post I will discuss the 3 different laptop battery types, and a some of the advantages these carries.

Nickel Cadmium - NiCd batteries were actually the first rechargeable laptop batteries ever. Manufactures loved them his / her cost was relatively low and they also stood a high output. You won't find Nickel Cadmium batteries used anymore, as a result of them being heavier instead of as efficient because the newer laptop batteries.

Nickel Metal Hydride - NiMH batteries can always be found everywhere -- created for older model laptops. The rechargeable NiMH laptop battery was obviously a big intensify for notebook technology mostly partly simply because they were more reliable compared to NiCd batteries, and so they had a level higher output. The NiMH battery seemed to be cheaper to make, and greatest to use.

Acer Laptop Battery - A possible problem with NiMH batteries is they could have a memory effect. Basically, if you do not fully discharge battery, it may look at this by leaving you utilizing a less than perfect battery output.

Lithium Ion - LiON batteries are actually used in most new laptops. Unlike the NiMH battery, LiON laptop batteries haven't any memory effect. LiON batteries are also lighter than both NiCd and NiMH notebook batteries. These two advantages add up to the Lithium Ion battery being typically the most popular and several expensive among the various notebook power sources.

Laptop Battery - You may be wondering which type of battery to acquire. Getting a Lithium Ion battery would be the best solution, needless to say, if you have a money it is precisely what I suggest. If you fail to afford a LiON battery or maybe notebook is not suitable for one, then finding a NiMH battery will be the next easiest thing.