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Commercial Pest Control Plans for Restaurants

Why is commercial pest control so important to restaurants and other food handling facilities? Customers need to have confidence that the food products they are purchasing are safe and free of contamination. Health inspection scores, food-borne illnesses, and other problems caused by pests can destroy a company's reputation.

A good commercial pest control plan is critical to achieve and maintain a good health inspection score. Your score is the first thing that many customers see. A good one inspires confidence in your cleanliness standards. A poor score can drive people away. Even if followed by a great score for the next scheduled inspection, the low one may never be erased from their minds.

Many of the pests that a commercial pest control plan is designed to eradicate can contribute to food poisoning and other food-borne illnesses. Mice and rats carry many illnesses and parasites that can be transmitted to humans. Fruit flies, roaches, and other insects can transfer bacteria and other pathogens from uncooked foods to raw vegetables or completed items.

Contaminated foods and surfaces can lead to ill customers and employees. In addition, if contamination is reported or suspected you may be faced with a series of inspections, citations, fines, and even forced shutdowns. An experienced commercial pest control company knows about these dangers and can protect you from them.

What makes restaurants and other food handling businesses more complicated when it comes to commercial pest control is the hazardous chemicals often used. Food preparation areas can not be exposed to the same chemicals used to control pests in an environment where there is no concern over materials being ingested.

Ideally, a facility that handles food will use a commercial pest control program that used physical barriers and traps instead of chemicals as much as possible. Weather stripping, glue traps, and a variety of other options are available. The best solutions depend in the types of pests present or at risk on your business, and can be determined as part of your assessment and plan development.

As your plan is implemented, continuous assessment and monitoring can help to ensure that your program is effective. Catching minor pest activity and treating it immediately can prevent it from becoming a true infestation. Your commercial pest control plan should be able to keep you in compliance with all regulatory and voluntary standards.

It can be difficult for a business to keep everyone happy. There are many people and groups concerned with the presence of pests in a food handling facility. Government regulations cover not only insects, rodents, and other invaders, but the chemicals used to get rid of them as well. Industry associations can have different standards that must be met as well. Finally, customers and employees have their own needs, and it is much more important than keeping them from seeing pests. Their health must be considered as well.

Developing a good commercial pest control plan with your servicer can help make sure that your company is in compliance with everyone's expectations. A combination of physical means and safe chemicals can help to minimize pest activity and keep your product safe.

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