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g., fasting glucose, triglyceride, HDL-C). Boxplots of amino acids with the strongest correlation with SSPG concentration and glycine are shown in Figure?Figure22 to illustrate differences in amino acid distribution by SSPG tertiles. Although there is overlap, mean amino acid concentrations differed significantly (P?Ficain Outliers click here are represented by 0 and *. Discussion The major goal of this study was to define the quantitative relationship between circulating amino acids and a direct measure of insulin resistance. Among the 24 amino acids evaluated, 13 were positively associated with SSPG concentration and glycine was negatively associated. Gall et?al. (2010) also used a direct method to quantify insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp) in their study of the relationship between insulin resistance and selected amino acids, which were identified through nontargeted biochemical profiling. However, they only reported associations of insulin resistance with two amino acids, isoleucine and glycine. Similar to our study, the relationship between insulin resistance and the two amino acids was in the opposite direction; the more insulin resistant, the higher the plasma concentration of isoleucine and the lower the glycine. In the most general sense, the amino acids we found to be most closely correlated with insulin resistance were the same ones identified in the early studies by Felig et?al. (1969), and more recently by Newgard et?al. (2009) to be elevated in the presence of obesity. Since obesity and insulin resistance are highly correlated (Kim et?al. 2004), differentiating the relative importance of obesity versus insulin resistance in the pathogenesis of elevated plasma amino acid concentrations was another aim of our study. The fact that magnitude of the correlations between SSPG and amino acid selleck screening library concentrations remained when adjusted for BMI for majority of the amino acids supports the view that the relationship between insulin resistance and elevated plasma amino acid concentrations is independent of obesity. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of Tai et?al. (2010), using the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), to compare amino acid concentrations in ��high HOMA�� versus ��low HOMA�� groups. Although in most instances the significant relationships between a given amino acid concentration and insulin resistance were positive, there was an inverse association between SSPG concentration and glycine.