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The suicide rate also grows. Anxiety and insomnia accompanying depression also contribute to emphasizing INCB28060 order the problems connected with inattention. Studies suggest that students who suffer from depression, especially female individuals, have behaviors that are connected with alcohol and psychoactive substance abuse, as well as promiscuous behavior. 5. CONCLUSION Availability of ADHD medications has a significant role in the treatment and reducing symptoms of this condition. In Macedonia, no medications for ADHD have been registered yet and people with this condition have to buy them abroad. Physicians, teachers, parents and other people working with children should be educated about the ADHD symptoms in order to recognize them early and enable appropriate and timely treatment. Encouragement of medication use, education on time structuring and behavioral control, social skill training, and frequent cognitive redirecting is needed. Studies on the prevalence of ADHD in relation to comorbid disorders are scarce, and these aspects should be researched more thoroughly. Footnotes CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED.""Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as either low glomerular filtration rate (GFR; GDC0068 annual rate of 7% (4). The most common causes of Isotretinoin CKD in developed countries are diabetes type 2 and hypertension (5, 6, 7). In the world, 972 million people with hypertension (HTN) were registered in 2000. It is anticipated that this number will increase at about 1.56 million patients by 2025 (8). The risk of ESRD due to hypertensive nephropathy is 1.6 times higher for men than for women. The world prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is significantly increasing as a result of aging of population, urbanization and the consequences that incurred in connection with lifestyle changes. In 2010, 285 million people had DM in the world (9). Diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension are major and growing problems of all age groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but there are no epidemiological data of the number of patients with CKD, except the number of patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). According to the data of Institute for Public Health of the Canton Sarajevo for 2013, the overall prevalence of hypertension was 17.8% and of diabetes 6.5% in population of this Canton. Most patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease are asymptomatic (10). The rising prevalence of ESRD represents an increase of requirements for kidney health services and burden on the economy for the health system of each community.