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[15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] We believe that our definition of PE is a reliable objective as well as subjective measure of outcome impressions. The regression analysis has shown that the therapeutic effect was stable with no confounding effect noticed with any of age, duration of marriage, premarital masturbation history, occupational nature, educational level, and duration of PE. For those with base-line IELT Fossariinae events when compared with placebo (OR: 2.89; 95% CI: 1.88-4.43; P PI3K Inhibitor Library clinical trial of tramadol include; ED (1%), vertigo, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and the common cold (50 mg) and longer duration of therapy (>12 weeks) as well as personal/racial variations [Table 4]. The more palatable; tramadol orally disintegrating tablet had generally a lower rate of side-effects this website despite high doses (62 mg and 89 mg). No withdrawal symptoms were noted with on-demand tramadol use.[19] Both the therapeutic effects and side-effects of tramadol for treatment of PE were dose/duration dependent as obvious from previous results [Table 4]. Although in our study, we did a logistic regression model to predict successful therapy of PE, we have some limitations including; relatively small number of cases and lack of a validated questionnaire for assessment of patient/partner satisfaction. In conclusion, our study revealed that tramadol hydrochloride exhibits a significant dose-related advantage over placebo in the treatment of PE. Tramadol increased IELT as well as improve ejaculatory control and personal satisfaction. The only predictor of successful treatment of PE was the baseline IELT. On-demand tramadol 50 mg significantly improved PE with minor side-effects. For those with baseline IELT