Quinapyramine - - About How Along with Why People Can Benefit Using It

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5 ng g?1 dry soil. We assumed that the observed seed burial depth would be similar over time but that more seeds would be present at each depth. Although it is likely that buried seeds would eventually be re-ingested and might then be buried deeper or, conversely, deposited in casts on the surface, we assumed that these effects would be dominated by the viability effects of being ingested and so re-distribution of seeds would not be a significant occurrence. Results Seed viability Earthworm ingestion strongly S3I-201 ic50 decreased seed viability (P 0.5) and hence were combined in the final analysis. Earthworm species buried beads differently (P Quinapyramine Fig. ?Fig.2)2) and ingested different proportions of beads in soils from different age forests (P = 0.004, Fig. ?Fig.3)3) but this was not affected by leaf litter selleck chemical type (the main effect P = 0.96, all interactions P > 0.15). In particular, O. lacteum ingested fewer beads in mature compared with successional forest soils (P = 0.02, Fig. ?Fig.3).3). On average, 19.2 �� 1.4 % of beads were ingested and 6.0 �� 0.6 % of beads (31 % of those that were ingested) were buried deeper than 5 cm in the 6-week experiment (Table ?(Table2).2). We used post hoc comparisons with Scheff�� critical values (Ruxton and Beauchamp 2008) to test for differences in how earthworm species ingested beads, and how deeply they buried beads in mature compared with successional forest soils, to better understand what was driving the significant interaction between earthworm species and site age in bead burial depth and differences between earthworms in bead ingestion. Significant differences are indicated by asterisks in Figs ?Figs22 and ?and33. Table 1 Effects (F values and significance) of statistical analyses examining the distribution of fluorescent beads in mesocosms. Effects significant at P