Stated Boasting Concerning 3-Methyladenine

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Measurements of eye length were made at the start of the experiment and at the end of the four-day recovery period. Analysis Measurements of eye length were measured from the anterior cornea to the posterior sclera. The change in each component of the eye (anterior chamber depth, eye length, choroidal thickness, and vitreous depth) was calculated over the course of the experiment as the difference between the pre- and post-measurements. Comparisons were made with a one-way ANOVA for the average change in the right eyes during both exposures unless the data showed a difference between Week 1 and Week 2, when the data for the individual exposures were analyzed separately. When the ANOVA showed significant differences, individual conditions were compared with unpaired, two-tailed t-tests. Paired t-tests were used in comparisons PD0325901 concentration of right and left eyes of the same bird. Linear regressions were performed in Sigma Plot using a least squares approach. The SigmaPlot curve fitter uses the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm to find the values of the parameters that minimize the sum of the squared differences between the values of Selleckchem 3 Methyladenine the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable. Results Effects on refraction During the first exposure, changes in refraction were dependent on the illumination condition (ANOVA p = 0.007). Luminance flicker produced a hyperopic shift in refraction (2.01 D), while color flicker produced a myopic shift in refraction (?2.25 D). The hyperopia that had resulted from exposure to LUM, as well as the emmetropia that resulted from exposure to R/G Color, were sustained through Week 2. The change in refraction during each exposure is shown in Figure 4 (refractive changes for individual birds in Week 1 can also be seen in Figure 8). The data for the two weeks were analyzed separately because the change in refraction differed markedly in the two exposures. During the first week, the hyperopic shift in the right eyes seen in LUM was significantly more hyperopic than in R/G Color (p = 0.006), Low LUM (p = 0.04), and No Flicker Oxymatrine (p = 0.02). There was no difference in the refractive shifts between LUM and Color + LUM or between Low LUM and Color + LUM. None of the refractive changes in Week 2 were significant since the refractions induced in Week 1 were sustained. Figure 4 Mean change in refraction is examined in the right and left eyes (R and L) for Week 1 and Week 2. Error bars indicate standard errors. When changes in the right eye are compared, an asterix (*) indicates statistical significance at p