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4%, P?=?0.038). In addition, the proportion of workers with Cabozantinib ic50 significant bronchial hyperresponsiveness did not differ significantly between subjects whether or not sputum specimens were available (11.6%, 5.7% and 16.2% for one, two or no specimens, respectively). Therefore, using the available sputum specimens did not introduce a bias in favour of subjects with lower lung function parameters. A zymograms analysis indicated that the gelatinolytic activity was mainly associated to pro-MMP-9 (gelatinase-B) and that the active form of MMP-9 was detected in around 40% of the subjects, but at markedly lower levels than pro-MMP-9 (Fig.?1). The MMP-9-TIMP-1 complex was also detected in sputum samples. Interestingly, pro-MPP-2 (gelatinase-A; Tofacitinib in vivo 72?kDa), the second member of the gelatinase family, or its active form (expected at 66?kDa) was never detected in the sputum of workers exposed to chlorine. Because of differences in levels of pro-MMP-9, TIMP-1 and its complex MMP-9-TIMP-1 among subjects (Fig.?1), sputum supernatants were concentrated for quantification by ELISA. Table?3 illustrates the relationships between levels of markers at baseline and follow-up assessments and provides results of the correlation analyses. Levels were generally more closely related at the baseline visit. Whereas levels of glutathione were not significantly related to concentrations of IL-8 and MMP-9 at Vb, this was the case at Vf. There were generally good agreements between results for each parameter obtained at Vb and Vf (Table?4). Interestingly, there were no significant relationships between MPO and the other markers. Levels of cells and mediators in induced sputum were not significantly different at baseline and follow-up visits (Table?5) except for the MMP-9-TIMP-1 S1PR1 complex, which diminished significantly from Vb to Vf. There were 17 subjects who changed their FEV1 by 12% (��2 SD of the mean changes) or more and seven who increased their bronchial responsiveness to methacholine by a ��2-fold difference in PC20. In these 24 subjects by comparison with 48 without these features, asthma diagnosed by a physician at baseline as well as wheezing and rhinitis at baseline was more frequent, although of borderline significance. A lower FEV1/FVC ratio at baseline (98.2% pred vs 105.0% pred, P?