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In all cases canal wall-up tympanoplasty was performed. The first test applied to analyze hearing improvement was the Fisher test, referred to in the literature as the variance analysis test. The test used to verify non-parametric hypotheses was the multifield contingency tables test �C the ��2 test. The method applied in the test to calculate ��2 was Pearson's chi-square test, confirmed with the use of the maximum credibility chi-square test. The Fleroxacin statistically significant results were provided for p?check details The measure of effectiveness of the treatment consisted in the closure of the Air-Bone Gap evaluated for the frequency of speech, examined from the aspect of the applied reconstruction of the ossicular chain. Statistically Y-27632 manufacturer significant changes pointing to the effectiveness of applied treatment were observed in the patients with cholesteatoma. In line with the philosophy behind ossiculoplasty, the removal of cholesteatoma-related lesions and the subsequent type 2 tympanoplasty yielded satisfactory results which consisted in hearing improvement. For these patients the Air-Bone Gap became evidently smaller after the surgery (the average value of ABG before the surgery was 31.8?dB, and it decreased to 19.7?dB after 6 months and 19.3?dB after 12 months from the tympanoplasty; p?=?0.009). In the group without cholesteatoma and with a predominance of granulomatous lesions significant changes (ABG closure) were not observed with the passing of time (the average value of ABG was 27.3?dB before the otosurgery, 26.5?dB after 6 months, and 27.3?dB after 12 months from the surgery; p?=?0.96). Despite a reconstruction similar to the one made for the patients with cholesteatoma, no significant hearing improvement was observed ( Table 1). In the group with cholesteatoma, the average value of ABG 12 months after the surgery was lower than the average value of ABG at the beginning of the treatment and statistically even with the average value of ABG after 6 months.