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1% versus 19.1%, Pselleck products showed that the 2 cloned goats were similar to their respective oocyte donor goats, and significantly different from the nucleus donor. In conclusion, genetic background of recipient oocytes affected in vitro and in vivo development of reconstructed embryos, with the homologous background of cytoplast and nuclear donor benefiting development of reconstructed embryos. The mitochondrial origin of the 2 cloned Boer goats came from recipient oocytes, not donors. ""Volume 35 (2011), pp. 961�C966 Correspondence may be addressed to either Aiming Sang or Zhifeng Gu (email or ""While the ability of stem cells to switch lineages has been suggested, the route(s) through which this may happen is unclear. To date, the best characterized adult stem cell population considered to possess transdifferentiation capacity is BM-MSCs (bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells). We investigated whether BM-MSCs that had terminally differentiated into the neural or epithelial lineage could be induced to transdifferentiate into the other phenotype in vitro. Our results reveal that neuronal phenotypic cells derived from adult rat bone marrow cells can be switched to epithelial phenotypic cells, or vice versa, by selleck inhibitor culture manipulation allowing the differentiated cells to go through, first, dedifferentiation and then redifferentiation to another phenotype. Direct transdifferentiation from differentiated 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl neuronal or epithelial phenotype to the other differentiated phenotype cannot be observed even when appropriate culture conditions are provided. Thus, dedifferentiation appears to be a prerequisite for changing fate and differentiating into a different lineage from a differentiated cell population. ""iHsp70 [inducible Hsp70 (heat-shock protein 70)] family members (iHsp70, Hsp72 and Hsp70) are highly conserved proteins that act as molecular chaperones and promote cell survival during various forms of stress. Our data indicate that cultured adult rabbit myoblasts do not express iHsp70 under normal growth conditions, although increased expression was detectable 0.5�C72 h following a 42��C heat shock for 15�C60 min. The intracellular iHsp70 level reached a maximum 8 h after onset of the heat shock, which correlated with its increased accumulation in nuclei. Inhibition of iHsp70 expression by quercetin showed that sustained activation of JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) 2 and suppression of c-Jun phosphorylation were responsible for myoblast death after heat shock.