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The quantification values of the unknown samples are relative Reelin to the chosen calibrator. Results are expressed as the means ��s.e.m. of ��n�� observations. Statistical comparisons were performed using either Student's unpaired t test or one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni corrected t tests for multiple comparisons, as appropriate. A value of P rats. Non-fasting blood glucose was increased in ZDF compared with control rats. Figure 1A shows typical recordings of shortening in a ventricular myocyte from a control rat (left panel) and a ZDF rat (right panel). Resting cell length was not significantly (P > 0.05) altered in ZDF myocytes (136.01 �� 2.67 ��m, 56 cells from eight hearts) compared with control myocytes (142.28 �� 2.79 ��m, 56 cells from eight hearts; Fig. 1B). Time-to-peak shortening (Fig. 1C) and time from peak to half-relaxation of shortening (Fig. 1D) were significantly Selleck Entinostat (P 0.05) altered in ZDF myocytes compared with control myocytes. Time-to-peak shortening and time from peak to half-relaxation were 163.2 �� 4.6 and 125.0 �� 6.9 ms in ZDF myocytes compared with 135.6 �� 2.9 and 102.5 �� 4.0 ms in control myocytes. Amplitude of shortening was 5.60 �� 0.24% in ZDF myocytes compared with 5.14 �� 0.24% in control cells. Figure 2A shows typical recordings of Ca2+ transients in a ventricular myocyte from a control rat (left panel) and a ZDF rat (right panel). Resting fura-2 ratio was significantly (P PLX-4720 compared with control cells (0.135 �� 0.010 fura-2 ratio units; Fig. 2E). Figure 3A shows typical records of L-type Ca2+ current at test potentials ranging from ?40 to +60 mV in myocytes from a control rat (upper panel) and a ZDF rat (lower panel). The current�Cvoltage relationship for L-type Ca2+ current is shown in Fig. 3B. Density of L-type Ca2+ current was lower in myocytes from ZDF rats compared with control animals over a range of test potentials between ?20 and +60 mV.