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Then, a mixed model of ANOVA with hamstring passive stiffness as the independent factor (groups 1, 2 and 3) and the types of trial as the repeated factor (open-eye vs. closed-eye) was applied. Finally, we used Pearson��s product-moment correlation. The alpha level was set at 5%. Results Similar to others, our reliability testing for the PKES test also showed an excellent ICC(3,1) with coefficients higher than 0.90 for both lower extremities. During the EPZ-6438 molecular weight OE trial, a similar level of MoS% was registered in the three groups; the magnitude was about 54�C55%. After elimination of visual input, the MoS% increased in all three groups with a visible tendency for a larger increase associated with lower levels of passive stiffness of the hamstrings (Table 1). Table 1 Magnitude of the margin of safety (as percentage of support surface length) in the open-eye and closed-eye trials on the this website stabilometric platform and mean difference in the margin of safety between the trials Analysis of variance showed neither significant main effect for the groups nor significant interaction effect for MoS%. The main effect for the repeated factor was significant F(1,38) = 17.8; pMontelukast Sodium disturb postural stability, although they usually cause larger postural sway as observed during stabilometric assessment (Lord and Menz, 2000; Hytonen et al., 1993). Our results show that the range of consciously controlled antero-posterior COP excursions became significantly smaller when visual information was eliminated (larger MoS% in Table 1). This finding is, however, not surprising. Our main aim was to investigate whether the difference in MoS% between the OE and CE trials was of the same magnitude in all our subjects; for this we used passive stiffness of the hamstrings as the discriminating factor. Indeed, we observed larger differences in the MoS% magnitude between the OE and CE trials in individuals with normal passive stiffness of the hamstrings. Together with increasing passive stiffness there was a tendency for this difference to become smaller, which might indicate a change in the strategy used to maintain postural stability. However, because we were unable to demonstrate a significant difference for the interaction effect (ANOVA), no generalizations can be made concerning larger populations.