The particular CYTH4-Gameplay

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DesInventar was used to get the information about VDCs that were affected. Information between these two databases was cross-matched to locate VDCs within the affected districts. Nepal Demography Health Survey NDHS 2011 is the country��s biggest comprehensive representative survey that is carried out every 5 years in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development and a local research firm New Era. NDHS mainly collects data on fertility and family planning, child mortality, children��s nutritional status, utilization of maternal and child health services, domestic violence, and knowledge of human immunodeficiency virus and check details acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Nepal is divided into five developmental regions and 75 districts. Furthermore, the districts are divided into smaller units called VDCs and municipalities. Each VDC is further divided into small administrative units called wards and subwards. An enumeration area (EA) is a ward in rural areas and a subward in urban areas. Each EA is classified as urban or rural. A total of 298 EAs were selected in such a way that rural EAs are double that of urban EAs. Altogether, 25 sampling strata were created.8 Selection of sample was carried out using two-stage CYTH4 stratified cluster sample. First, EAs were selected using a probability-proportional-to-size strategy. In the second stage, 35 households in each urban EA and 40 households in each rural EA were randomly selected.8 The main data collection method for NDHS was quantitative field survey conducted between February and June 2011 in Nepal. The collected data were from community-level households that were representative to the whole district. NDHS data collection was performed by team of interviewers and anthropometrics (who recorded the height and weight of the children). An interview with selleck inhibitor the mother about herself and her child