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After 3?days of culture, a turbidometrically controlled suspension of individual pure bacterial colonies was transferred to three Vitek identification cards [GP for all Gram-positive cocci (identifying 45 taxa), GN for all Gram-negative bacilli (116 taxa) and YST for all yeast-like organisms (36 taxa) (bioM��rieux, Shanghai, China)] according to the manufacturer��s instructions: The cards contain 29 different biochemical broths in reaction cells and one negative control cell to assess the growth and viability of the suspension. Incubation times vary from 2 to 48?h depending on the growth rate of the organisms. The automated microbe identification analyser S1PR1 (VITEK 2 compact; bioM��rieux, Marcy l��Etoile, France) was used to determine growth by measuring light attenuation with an optical scanner. Data obtained with the ID 32E system were read automatically and interpreted with the database version 3.0. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS version 12.0 software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Data were expressed learn more as median and interquartile ranges (IQR). Baseline variables were analysed using a one-way anova test and the Fisher��s exact text or likelihood ratio. The Kruskal�CWallis test was used to assess the significance of intergroup variability using paired comparisons, and the Mann�CWhitney U 2-tailed test was used to assess significance for between-group comparisons. P values ��0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Figure?1 shows the number of samples from CRSwNP patients spontaneously synthesizing the key cytokines IL-5, IL-17 and IFN��. Overall, 80% of the nasal polyps were IL-5 negative, with 55% (49/89) synthesizing none of these key cytokines (i.e. KCN nasal polyps). Detection limits are provided in Table?1. Retrospective assessment of the patient characteristics Tofacitinib mouse based on their ability to synthesize IL-5 and the key cytokines indicated that the patients with IL-5-positive and KCN polyps were not significantly different with regard to demographic or clinical characteristics, apart from the number of patients with asthma comorbidity in the IL-5-positive group (33%vs 0% in KCN group; P?